Career Technical Education Orange County (CTEoc)
CTEoc Members Participate In Collaborative Efforts To:
- Leverage resources to provide comprehensive and cost effective services for school districts.
- Increase the quality of CTE programs.
- Support individual CTE instructors.
- Provide a platform for CTE leaders to connect and share best practices, overcome obstacles, and create solutions.
- Create opportunities for regional competitions and programs for Orange County students.
- Develop relationships with business representatives for networking and industry support.
CTEoc facilitates the Regional Advisory Boards and Professional Learning Communities for CTE educators.

Professional Learning Communities
Professional Learning Communities (PLC) are regional, industry-specific communities for CTE teachers to connect and communicate, in order to enrich their industry knowledge and enhance the overall progress and success of their students. Together, CTE teachers attend Professional Development Workshops, visit local businesses, establish regional competitions, and create current curriculums based on industry standards. Professional Development Workshops offer a range of topics that include Design Thinking and software technical training.
Professional Learning Communities Work To Answer These Three Questions
- What do students in this industry need to know?
- How can we measure what students know?
- What steps can we take to teach what students don’t know?
Using these three questions as their foundation, CTE teachers can effectively work together to enhance the overall progress and increase the success of their students.