Competition Programs

My Dream Career Photo Competition

This competition allows students to show the world their “Dream Career”. The possibilities are endless, whether they want to be an auto mechanic or a singer! Students in middle and high school are eligible to compete, providing them with the chance to highlight the factors that have shaped their career choices. All they have to do is snap a picture of themselves acting out their “Dream Career” and write a reflective essay explaining their decision.

Click HERE to see the winning submissions.

Click HERE to view the Information Packet that contains the rules and photo waiver release form.

Event Details

The competition registration will open this Fall. Stay tuned!


Important Dates to Remember:
  • Submission Deadline: TBD
  • Semi-Finalists Announced: TBD
  • Winners Announced: TBD

For more information on the My Dream Career Photo Challenge, contact Gabe Torres.

Send Message

Event Images

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3ed9cdced099 Guillen_Abigail_JFKennedyHS_DreamCareer_2024_copy
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Dream_Career_Ponxay_Skyler (2) (1)
97d35b06998f Dream_Career___Ngo__Lily